God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World Page 35
Alhambra (Granada), 70–71, [>]
Alleg, Henri: La Question, [>]
Amaury, Arnaud: justifies Béziers massacre, [>]
Amazon: deletions by, [>], [>]
America (magazine): Ratzinger fires editor of, 181–82
threatened with censorship, [>]
American Family Association, [>]
American Indians: Spanish Inquisition executes for apostasy, [>]
supposed witchcraft among, [>]
American Library Association, [>]
Andres, Stefan Paul: El Greco Paints the Grand Inquisitor, [>]
Anti-Defamation League, [>]
anti-Semitism. See also Jews
in Catholic Church, [>]
in Spain, [>], [>]
Spanish Inquisition motivated by, 95–97, [>]
anticlericalism: in Italy, [>]
Apostolicae Curae: Pope Leo XIII promulgates, [>]
apparitions: CDF and, 227–28
Aquinas, Thomas: works of, [>]
Archive Fever (Derrida), [>]
Archivo General de la Nación (Mexico City)
Inquisition records at, 155–56
Arendt, Hannah: on bureaucracy, 235–36
Argentina: secular inquisition in, 188–90
torture in, [>]
Aristophanes: The Frogs, [>]
Arminians, [>]
art: Pope Paul IV censors, [>]
Art of Memory, The (Yates), [>]
Arts and Crafts movement, [>]
Ash, Timothy Garton, [>]
Ashcroft, John, [>]
Assange, Julian, [>]
auto-da-fé: ritual of, 65–66, [>], [>], [>], 165–66
Aznar, José María, [>]
Aztecs, [>]
Balasuriya, Tissa (father): CDF excommunicates, [>]
Barry, Dave, [>]
Bélibaste, Guillaume: execution of, [>]
Bell Ringers, The (Porter), [>]
Bellarmine, Robert (cardinal), [>], [>]
on censorship, 121–22
denounces Copernican system, [>]
prosecutes Bruno, [>]
prosecutes Gallileo, 129–30
threatened with censorship, [>]
benandanti: as heretics or witches, [>], 135–36
Benandanti, I (Ginzburg), [>], 135–36
Benedict XII (pope): Bishop Fournier as, [>]
Benedict XVI (pope), [>], 177–78, [>], 223–24, [>]. See also Ratzinger, Josef (cardinal)
as “grand inquisitor,” [>]
and opening of Vatican’s Inquisition archives, [>]
on Teilhard de Chardin, [>]
Bentley, Robert (governor), [>]
Berlin, Isaiah: on moral certainty, 248–49
Berlin Document Center: Nazi archives at, [>], 203–4, 207–8
Stasi archives, 204–8
Bethencourt, Francisco, [>], [>]
on decline of Inquisition, 140–41, [>]
Béziers massacre (1209), [>]
Bibles, vernacular: Roman Inquisition censors, [>]
Big Sort, The (Bishop), [>]
bin Laden, Osama, [>]
“birthright citizenship”: as U.S. controversy, 76–78
Bishop, Bill: The Big Sort, [>]
Black Death: in Spain, [>]
“Black Legend”: Spain and, [>], 187–88
Bloomberg, Michael, [>]
Boccaccio, Giovanni: The Decameron, 136–38
Boff, Leonardo (father), 17–18
CDF silences & censors, [>]
Boniface VIII (pope), [>]
book-burning: censorship and, [>]
evangelical religion and, [>]
Boss: J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition, The (Theoharis & Cox), [>]
Boykin, William G. (general), [>]
Bradbury, Ray: Fahrenheit 451, [>]
Brazil: Portuguese Inquisition in, [>]
secular inquisition in, 188–89
British Library (London), [>]
Bruce, Lenny, [>]
Bruno, Giordano, [>], [>]
Roman Inquisition prosecutes & executes, [>], [>], 127–29, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Buddhism: Catholic Church and, [>]
bureaucracy: Arendt on, 235–36
in CDF, [>]
in government, 234–35
in national security, 234–35
nature of, 234–35
in Roman Inquisition, 121–23, [>]
Burghley, Lord, [>]
on secular inquisition, [>]
Bush, George W., [>], [>]
approves torture, [>], [>]
California: Inquisition in, [>]
Calvin, John, [>], 185–86, [>]
Camerarius, Philip, 123–24, [>]
Camp Delta. See Guantánamo detention facility
Camp Justice. See Guantánamo detention facility
Camp X-Ray. See Guantánamo detention facility
Candide (Voltaire), [>]
canon law: and heresy, 38–39
Carafa, Giovanni Pietro. See Paul IV (pope)
Carnivore (surveillance software), [>]
Carroll, James: on censorship, [>]
Carvajal, Luis: Inquisition executes, 152–53
Case for Imperfection, The (Sandel), 247–48
Cathars. See also Albigensian crusade
Church suppresses as heretics, 9–10, 28–29, 30–35, [>]
cultural legacy, 29–30
in Montaillou, 57–58
Montségur massacre (1244), 28–29, [>], [>]
theology of, 26–29
Catholic Church: anti-Semitism in, [>]
and Buddhism, [>]
bureaucratic record-keeping in, 40–43
centralization of authority in, 37–38
condemns Modernism, 170–71
and Confucianism, [>]
demands anti-Modernist oath, [>]
enforces doctrinal rigidity & social control, 169–71
printing revolution and, 112–14
prosecutes Albigensian crusade, 30–33
Queen Elizabeth I and, [>], [>], 193–94
relationship with civil government, 21–22
supporters kill Gov. Rosas, [>]
suppresses Cathar heresy, 9–10, 28–29, 30–35, [>]
“Catholic Church and Modern Science, The” (document series), [>], 229–30
Catholic Encyclopedia (1907): approves censorship, 118–19, [>]
cell phones: and surveillance, 237–38
censorship. See also Index of Forbidden Books
of Abelard, [>]
by Amazon, [>], [>]
America threatened with, [>]
Bellarmine on, 121–22
Bellarmine threatened with, [>]
and book-burning, [>]
Carroll on, [>]
Catholic Encyclopedia approves, 118–19, [>]
CDF and, [>], [>], [>]
Congregation of the Index and, [>], 118–19
in France, 197–98
by Goldman Sachs, [>]
Google and, [>]
Hentoff on, [>]
Master of the Sacred Palace administers, 117–18, [>]
and power of imprimatur, [>], [>], [>], [>]
under Queen Elizabeth I, [>]
by Roman Inquisition, 69–70, 118–26, [>], [>]
in Russia, 115–16, [>]
Savonarola promotes, [>]
of self, 126–27
social damage of, 125–26
in Spanish empire, [>]
St. Paul approves, [>]
Tedeschi on, 123–24
by Texas State Board of Education, 238–39
in Inquisition archives, 17–18
of WikiLeaks, 240–41
Chadwick, Henry, [>]
CHAOS program (CIA): surveillance by, [>]
Chavez, Angelico (father): on Inquisition in New Mexico, 145–46, [>]
Cheese and the Worms, The (Ginzburg), 136–37
Cheney, Dick: “Cheney Doctrine,” 245–46
nds waterboarding, [>]
China: control of Internet in, [>], [>], [>]
intellectual freedom restricted in, [>]
church and state, separation of: Obama on, [>], 243–44
in U.S., [>], 241–44
Cifres Giménez, Alejandro (monsignor): administers Inquisition archives, 15–17, 225–29, [>]
civil liberties: national security and, 210–11, [>]
Clement V (pope), [>]
Clement VIII (pope): and coffee, [>]
COINTELPRO program (FBI): surveillance by, [>]
Collins, Paul: on Inquistion in modern world, [>]
Columbus, Christopher, [>], [>], [>]
accompanied by conversos, [>], [>]
personality & ambitions of, 146–47
Comey, James B., [>]
Commonweal, [>]
communications revolution: Inquisition and, 148–49
Concordia discordantium canonum (Gratian), 38–39, [>]
Confucianism: Catholic Church and, [>]
Congar, Yves, [>]
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). See also Inquisition, Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office
and apparitions, 227–28
archives of, 4–6, [>]
and censorship, [>], [>], [>]
criticizes Harry Potter books, 18–19
excommunicates Balasuriya, [>]
functions & organization, 2–4, [>]
official pressure as weapon of, [>]
questions Schillebeeckx, 177–78
Ratzinger as head of, 2–3, [>], [>], [>], 180–81, 225–26
reputation for bureaucratic mediocrity, [>]
rescinds Küng’s authority to teach, 181–82
secret archives of, 4–6, [>]
silences Boff, [>]
takes action against Curran, [>]
tightens controls on universities, [>]
Congregation of the Index, [>]. See also Index of Forbidden Books
abolished, [>]
and censorship, [>], 118–19
conspiracy theorists: and Inquisition, 20–21
conversos: Columbus accompanied by, [>], [>]
migrate to Spanish empire, 150–53, 160–61
Spanish Inquisition prosecutes, 9–11, [>], 68–69, 95–96, 98–99, [>], [>]
Copernicus, Nicolaus: Bellarmine denounces, [>]
heliocentric system of, 127–31
Coulter, Ann, [>]
Council of Tarragona (1242), [>]
Council of Trent: and Counter-Reformation, [>]
Sarpi on, [>]
Counter-Reformation: Council of Trent and, [>]
Roman Inquisition leads, [>]
Cranmer, Thomas, [>]
Crucible, The (Miller), [>]
crypto-Jews: and DNA research, [>]
and Pentacostalism, 161–62
survival of in New Mexico, 152–53, 161–63
Curran, Charles (father): CDF disciplines, [>], [>]
da Gama, Vasco, [>]
Darkness at Noon (Koestler), [>], [>]
data collection: national security and, 208–15
De la Mare, Albinia, [>]
De Laurentiis, Dino, [>]
De Luca, Giuseppe (monsignor): on attempted suppression of Graham Greene, [>]
Decameron, The (Boccaccio), 136–38
Deighton, Len: Funeral in Berlin, [>]
Derrida, Jacques: Archive Fever, [>]
Dershowitz, Alan: on torture, [>]
Descartes, René, [>]
Roman Inquisition censors, [>], [>]
deviance: and anti-communism, [>]
as heresy, [>]
and war on terror, [>]
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Galileo), [>]
Dick, Philip K.: “The Minority Report,” [>]
Disraeli, Benjamin: on Lea, [>]
Divine Milieu, The (Teilhard de Chardin): Holy Office forbids publication of, 172–73
DNA research: crypto-Jews and, [>]
Dominican Order, [>]
as inquisitors, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
mission of, 48–49
Dondaine, Antoine, [>]
Dostoyevsky, Feodor: “The Grand Inquisitor,” 13–14
doubt in theology, [>]
Duffy, Eamon, [>]
on Church’s anti-Modernist oath, [>]
on English religious wars, 190–92, [>]
Fires of Faith, [>]
Dulles, Avery (cardinal), [>], [>]
torture and psychology of, 88–90
Echelon (surveillance system), [>]
Eco, Umberto: The Name of the Rose, [>], [>]
Egypt: control of Internet in, 239–40
Eisenstein, Elizabeth: on printing revolution, 114–15
El Greco Paints the Grand Inquisitor (Andres), [>]
Elizabeth I (queen): and Catholic Church, [>], [>], 193–94
censorship under, [>]
executions under, [>]
intelligence operations under, [>], 192–93, 194–95
torture under, 194–95
England. See also Great Britain
expels Jews, 73–74
identity cards in, [>]
ideological struggle against Spain, [>], [>], [>], 190–95
Inquisition in, [>]
Pope Pius V wages campaign against, 193–94
Protestantism in, 191–92
religious warfare in, 190–95, [>]
witchcraft in, [>]
Erasmus, Desiderius: Roman Inquisition censors, [>]
“ethnic cleansing,” [>]
Everyman (play), [>]
Ex corde Ecclesiae (1990): and control of universities, [>]
executions: by Inquisition, 28–29, 45–47, 66–68, [>], [>], 129–32, 152–54, [>]
methods of, 46–47, 67–68
under Queen Elizabeth I, [>]
“extraordinary rendition”: and torture, [>], [>]
Eymerich, Nicholas: instruction manual for inquisitors, 48–49, 51–53, [>], [>], [>]
Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), [>]
Fallows, James: on Chinese censorship, [>]
Faulkner, William, [>]
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb: on secret police, [>]
Fires of Faith (Duffy), [>]
Formation of a Persecuting Society, The (Moore), [>]
Fouché, Joseph: as head of Napoleon’s secret police, [>]
Fournier, Jacques (bishop): interrogates population of Montaillou, 58–59, 61–63, [>], [>], [>]
as Pope Benedict XII, [>]
Fox, Matthew (father): silenced & expelled, [>]
France: censorship in, 197–98
expels Jews, [>]
secret police in, 197–98
Franciscan Order: as inquisitors, 22–23, [>], [>]
Friends of the Inquisition Archives program, 16–17, [>]
Frings, Josef (cardinal), [>]
condemns Holy Office, [>]
Frogs, The (Aristophanes), [>]
Funeral in Berlin (Deighton), [>]
Gaffney, Frank, [>]
Galileo Galilei, [>], [>], [>], [>]
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, [>]
Pope Urban VIII and, [>]
Roman Inquisition prosecutes, [>], [>], 127–28, 129–31
Geneva Conventions: U.S. abrogates, [>]
Germany: secret police in, [>], [>]
surveillance in, [>]
Gibbon, Edward, 71–72
on portability of power, [>]
Gibson, David: The Rule of Benedict, [>]
Gingrich, Newt, [>]
Ginzburg, Carlo: I Benandanti, [>], 135–36
The Cheese and the Worms, 136–37
presses for opening of Inquisition archives, 14–15, [>]
researches Inquisition, 132–34, [>], [>]
Gitlitz, David M.: Secrecy and Deceit, [>], [>]
globalization: and Spanish empire, 149–50
of Inquisition, [>], 147–48, [>]
Goa (India): Jewish community in, [>]
Portuguese Inquisition in, [>], 165–66
Godman, Peter: research in Inquisition archives, 110–11, 122–23, [>]
on self-censorship, 126–27
Goldman Sachs: censorship by, [>]
Google, 218–19, [>]
and censorship, [>]
government: bureaucracy in, 234–35
Catholic Church’s relationship with, 21–22
and control of Internet, 239–41
and control of Spanish Inquisition, [>], 79–81, 84–85