God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World Page 38
Vatican Council, First: and doctrine of papal infallibility, 169–70
Vatican Council, Second, [>], [>], 176–78
Pope John XXIII convenes, [>]
Pope Paul VI and, [>]
Ratzinger at, 177–78
Voltaire: Candide, [>]
Volterra, Daniele da, [>]
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 192–93
as head of Elizabethan intelligence operations, [>], [>], [>]
war on terror: deviance and, [>]
“extraordinary rendition” in, [>], [>]
Guantánamo detention facility in, 215–17
moral certainty in, 245–46
Mueller on, [>]
and surveillance, [>], 236–37
torture in, 90–94, 215–16, 221–23
U.S. Congress and, [>]
waterboarding: Cheney defends, [>]
Hitchens on, [>]
Taft on, 93–94
as torture technique, 92–94, [>], [>]
Weschler, Lawrence: on torture in Brazil, 199–200
WikiLeaks, [>], 240–41
Will to Power, The (Nietzsche), [>]
Wills, Garry, [>]
witchcraft: and American Indians, [>]
in England, [>]
Roman Inquisition and, 134–36
Wolf, Hubert [>]
World War II: Pope Pius XII and, [>]
Yates, Frances: The Art of Memory, [>]